Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stormy Islands

10 or 13 people dead from Bebeng, the trpocial storm that hit the Philippines on Monday (Sunday for us United States-ers), according to The Manila times and The Philippine Star.

Two people, as reported by Yahoo, are said to be missing as well. according to the the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) Yahoo also reported "Around 21,413 families or 111,938 individuals, mostly from the Bicol and Eastern Visayas regions, have been affected by the tropical storm."

(This map is of the Visayas section of the Philippines.) The tropical storm also hit Manila. The NDRRMC precautioned the island's citizens of lanslides. Wind, rain, and flooding are also facets of concern.


  1. Good blog, overall, but you had too few entries (only 6). The assignment called for at least 15 entries. I enjoyed your entries on conglomeration, and also the history of printed media in the Philippines. Actually, all of the six entries you have are good. I just wish you had many more than that. The assignment also called for a last entry that summarized what you had learned throughout the semester about the media in the Philippines...

    Grade: 100 (out of 200).

  2. This is really nice blog and very artistic, good job. About this topic I am agree to you that our country is a stormy island, this past years we encounter a lot of typhoon that affecting everyone lives other suffers from flood that kill a lot of people. But we may continue our lives; forget bad happen just move on and always take care.

    Daily News Philippines
