Monday, February 21, 2011

Media conglomeration effects part 1.

Hey, folks...Or should I say folk, seeing as no one will actually read my blog. This post, or possibly multiple posts (I'm not entirely sure how this one will work out), deals or will deal with the notion of "Media Conglomeration."

For those readers who do not know, or forgot what we talked about in class, I shall enlighten you through the Serrato-cliff-notes method of the aforementioned idea: Media Conglomeration, or MC for short, is the concept of the media being controlled by a few number of companies or people.

Now why is this important to discuss or even blog about? Well you see child, MC can shift a country's culture both positively and negatively through the news, music, movies and television programs that escape every media orifice. Now when the the outlets of the media are in the hands of a very few, those few companies generate a sort of self-serving bias and recycle what's shown on T.V or played on the radio. As mentioned in my global communications class, the series of media generally start from the west, as in America, and then spreads to the rest of the world...

The view of Americans, in other countries at least, has succumbed to the following: I apoligize in advance for even linking such a reality disaster, but the truth must be seen. Follow if you dare and please note that the clip is...yes, you guessed it, from Jersey Shore *Shudders*

(While this post covered the sort-of-outward appearances of America through its media, my next post will solely focus on MC and it's consequences on the media community of the Phillipines. Stay Tuned!)

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